Ketogenic diet and physical activity for prevention of hypertension
Introduction: Hypertension remains the most prevalent risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). Blood pressure (BP) control to guideline-recommended target levels is frequently not achieved, even with the use of various treatment modalities. Effective lifestyle changes may be sufficient to delay or even prevent initiation of drug therapy in patients with grade 1 hypertension. Ketogenic diet has a long history of clinical use and has recently gained considerable interest owing to its promising potential effects on a wide spectrum of diseases. Physical Activity can be defined as any bodily movement produced by the contraction of skeletal muscles that results in a substantial increase in caloric requirements over resting energy expenditure. Aim of the work: study the effect of ketogenic diet and physical activity as main non-pharmacological mangement for prevention of hypertension in Tobruk city in Libya. Materials and Methods: It was a randomized controlled trial conducted at Out-patient department of Cardiology department of Tobruk Medical Center, Libya, from June 2021 to June 2022. A total of 292 patients of both genders - between the age of 32-65 years who have risk of hypertension - were included in the study. Patients gave written informed consent before sharing in the study. After we took the consent, we started our research. Patients then were randomly distributed into two groups; Group 1 (n = 146) in which onle Ketogenic diet regimen is conducted for this group. Group 2 (n = 146) in which Ketogenic diet and physical activity regimen is conducted for this group. Serum glucose level, serum cholesterol level, blood pressure and body weight were estimated every month during the study. Results: The details of 292 patients selected for analyses are as follows. The mean age of the patients at group 1 is 45.5 years (range, 32–59 years) and at group 2 is 50 years (range, 35–65 years). Mean pre-study serum glucose level is 172 mg/dl in group 1 and 223 mg/dl in group 2. Mean pre-study serum cholesterol level is 221 mg/dl in group 1 and 268 mg/dl in group 2. There is statistically significant relationship of ketogenic diet only and with physical activity with respect to gender, serum glucose level, serum cholesterol level, blood pressure and body weight. Conclusion: In conclusion, Ketogenic diet with physical activity effectively considered the important life style that prevent hypertension and its adverse effects on health.
Keywords: Hypertension; Ketogenic Diet; Physical Activity.

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