
Shah Murad, Zafar H Tanveer, Saleemullah Abro, Jamil Ahmed Lakhair, Abdul Salam, Shaheena,


Looking for an effective way to support balance for body and mind, turn to herbs for good health that have a long history of use. The World Health Organization (WHO) defines good health as: A state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, rather than merely the absence of disease or infirmity. That’s a very broad definition, and may differ slightly and will undoubtedly be specific to any individual. But however you define good health, taking an herbal supplement is a great way to help keep body and mind in healthy shape. Ginger originated in Island Southeast Asia and was likely domesticated first by the Austronesian peoples. It was transported with them throughout the Indo-Pacific during the Austronesian expansion, reaching as far as Hawaii. Ginger was also one of the first spices exported from the Orient, ginger arrived in Europe during the spice trade, and was used by ancient Greeks and Romans. The distantly related dicots in the genus Asarum are commonly called wild ginger because of their similar taste. Zinger Officinale (Ginger) is widely used miscellaneous nutrient in sub-continent, having antioxidant, anticancer, anti-inflammatory and anti-hyperlipidemic properties. We selected its hypolipidemic and weight lost effects in primary and secondary hyperlipidemic patients. Type of Research study: It was placebo-controlled study. Area of research: Research was conducted in Jinnah hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. Duration of study: It was three months, from January 2021 to June 2021.  Material, Method and Results: Already well understood, clearly explained written consent was taken from sixty hyperlipidemic patients age range from 18 to 70 years. Both gender male and female patients were enrolled. Patients were randomly divided in two groups, 30 patients were on drug ginger pasted-powder advised to take 5 grams in divided doses with their normal diet for the period of three months. Thirty patients were on placebo pasted-wheat powder, with same color as of ginger powder, advised to take 5 grams in divided doses with their normal diet for the period of three months. Their base line lipid profile and body weight was recorded at start of treatment and were  advised to come for check-up, fortnightly. When duration of study was over, their lipid profile and body weight was measured and compared statistically with pre-treatment values. Three months treatment with 5 grams of Ginger decreased LDL-cholesterol 17.41%, total-cholesterol 8.83% and body weight 2.11%. When compared with placebo group, all changes in mentioned parameters were significant biostatistically.  Conclusion: It was concluded from results of study that active ingredients of ginger lower plasma lipids and body weight significantly, eventually preventing development of coronary artery disease in primary and secondary hyperlipidemic patients.


 Kyewords: body weight, lipids, blood pressure, CAD, prevention



How to Cite
Shah Murad, Zafar H Tanveer, Saleemullah Abro, Jamil Ahmed Lakhair, Abdul Salam, Shaheena,. (2023). ALOPATHY VERSUS ALTERNATIVE THERAPIES. MISJ-International Journal of Medical Research and Allied Sciences, 1(02), Page: 95–99. Retrieved from